Registration will open in December. Boxed lunches will be available for purchase when you register.
7:30-8:00a Check-in
8:00-9:15 Session 1
9:30-10:45 Session 2
10:45-11:15 Mid-Day Break and Networking
11:15-12:30p Session 3
12:45-2:00p Session 4

The Arts Educator Institute was created in 2017 to provide a day of relevant professional development sessions for K-12 Fine Arts educators during the annual Countywide Institute days in Kane and DuPage counties. At our last institute day back in 2018, more than 100 art teachers came together to network, get new ideas, and improve their craft. We hope you'll join us this year at West Aurora High School to make this year's Arts Educator Institute bigger and better than ever!
Check back in the fall to propose a session at next year's Arts Educator Institute.
Next year's AEI will include the following:
​Grade Level
Middle School
High School
Special Education
​Content Area
Visual Arts
Media Arts
Session Type
Hands-on Workshop
Interactive Lecture
Panel / Roundtable
Lecture / Presentation